Moving to zero waste is a significant accomplishment for any environmental strategy and will demonstrate to visitors that you are taking action to reduce the impact of your Glamp Site. Additionally, it will put you in the spotlight for environmental accomplishments, which is a fantastic way to stand out from the crowd. It may seem to be an intimidating task but you may implement it gradually over time rather than undergoing a major cultural change within your company.
What Is Zero Waste?
In order to achieve zero waste, strategies and methods must be created that not only manage refuse but also, if possible, prevent waste from being created in the first place. Reducing the amount you send to landfill and eventually having none left will have the most impact. However, every single step taken in that direction is beneficial. We may all prosper from better environmental results if we shift from a linear to a circular economy when it comes to resources.

Develop A Waste Inventory
Create a waste inventory for every part of your operation as an ideal place to start. The majority of waste produced in guest accommodations comes from housekeeping and catering. All waste will be identified by an in-depth inventory, particularly the items you would not immediately consider, such as the packaging from linen deliveries. Dividing separately collected rubbish that will go into recycling streams from unsorted waste that will be disposed of by incineration or landfill also makes sense.
Start Small
You can start thinking about ways to lessen the quantity of waste you produce once you have your inventory. Choose a small section to start with, such as the detergent packaging, and use your measurements as guidance. It doesn't have to be done entirely at once. Your inventory will serve as the baseline for monitoring changes to your rubbish; you need to know where you started to see how far you’ve come. It's easy for you to draw inspiration from your achievements in order to develop bigger successes once you begin to notice positive change.
Similar to household garbage, waste from lodgings is typically varied, with the majority being made up of organic material, glass, paper and cardboard, plastics, and metals. An effective waste management plan created using your inventory can cut waste by more than 50%.
Remember that a cleaner environment and lower garbage collection costs arise from less waste. Everyone benefits! Additionally, this renewed focus on measuring outcomes may help you make wiser purchase decisions. Pay attention to what you toss out; perhaps you purchased too much food, which spoils before it can be consumed. Purchasing in smaller quantities will reduce costs and make reaching zero waste easier!
Mainstream Inspection
The goal of zero waste is being attempted or achieved by an increasing number of hotels in the mainstream hospitality sector, regardless of size, throughout Europe. A 205-room hotel in Sorrento, Italy, called The Conca Park proudly displays its accomplishment of zero waste on its website.
Management implemented a variety of waste reduction efforts, such as replacing all single-portion and disposable goods, installing water dispensers to cut down on the consumption of bottled water, and swapping out a number of plastic items for recyclable or compostable alternatives. Over 80% of the garbage was recycled.
On a smaller scale, the UK's Strattons Hotel, which has 14 rooms and a restaurant, recycles or reuses 98% of its garbage. This not only benefits the environment and society, but it also saves the company more than £1,000 a year on garbage disposal fees.
Don't let the thought of zero waste deter you; it can seem like a difficult or even impossible task. Comparing yourself to others in the field will help you get started on your journey. Try to get to the level that the top performers are currently at. The European Commission’s Best Environmental Management Practice in Tourism report (2013) provides a variety of "benchmarks for excellence" in terms of effective waste management. These benchmarks consist of:
• Recycling of at least 84% of waste, measured in weight
• Less than 0.16 kg of unsorted garbage per guest each night is sent for disposal.
• Less than 0.6kg of total garbage (sorted and unsorted) per visitor per night.
Reduce, reuse, sort, recycle
The best way to reduce waste is to avoid producing it in the first place. Think about refillable dispensers as a possible replacement for single-serve food and toiletry packaging, and keep an eye on perishable stock levels to avoid placing excessive orders. Replace plastic water bottles with refillable glassware and tap or filtered water. Reuse products inside the business or move them on for other uses. Choose suppliers who don't use excessive wrapping or who offer a return service on packaging. Provide guests with refillable glass water bottles.
Find out what additional rubbish can be recycled in your area. If you own a restaurant, you may recycle cooking oils to make biofuel. If your community does not have a separate food waste collection service, you can start composting your own food waste right away or identify local partners who are already doing this and may be willing to accept yours as well.
Making The Change
Achieving zero waste can appear to be a lot bigger and more difficult process than it actually is if you look at the end result before you get there. Make an inventory to identify where modifications can be made, then start there. You don’t need to do it all at once. Make one simple change, such as switching from disposable bottles of water to returnable bottles or reusable bottles of tap water, after you have your baseline waste inventory. Keep an eye on how your waste patterns alter as they do. Keep your staff up to date on the program's development and involved in the process. Then move to the next change. Maybe use sorting bins instead of bins in the lodging. Then move to the next change…
Before you know it, you'll be approaching zero waste and all the advantages that entails!